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Professionals – Why Become a Member?

Professionals – Why Become a Member?

Not sure what to get your healthcare professional to help them navigate 2022? Membership has its privileges', saving you time along with improving outcomes! Looking for a way to understand where to start? When you become a member, you...

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Telehealth & Providing Personalized Care

Telehealth & Providing Personalized Care

Concepts for Telehealth - Technology Requirements. Here is what you need to know - 4 Basic Requirements you should discuss Choose your software. The first step is to select a secure and trusted platform Know your hardware and what you...

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CMS needs Primary Care practices to enroll

CMS needs Primary Care practices to enroll

The CMS Innovation Center has a growing portfolio testing various payment and service delivery models that aim to achieve better care for patients, better health for our communities, and lower costs through improvement for our health care...

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Providing Personalized Care

Providing Personalized Care

Collective experience within the diverse environments has been the focus of heath research for decades. As we know, different environments lead to different perceptions; different perceptions lead to different perspectives; different...

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Ready to Chart Your Course?

How to become responsible and accountable in a world of unknowns.