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Faith Formation

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Have you ever wondered about the meaning of the word ‘soul’? Is it a mystical essence that animates our lives? Or is it the energy and passion that we pour into our creative endeavors? Perhaps it’s the emotional and intellectual center of our being, the source of our feelings, desires, and affections?

Around planet earth there are 34 thousand Christian denominations, four thousand religions, and 34 million churces. It is not my intention to proclaim which one is the greatest, or has ultimate authority, as that role is filled by God (what I will refer to as the Holy Trinity). So for now, the purpose of this discussion, will use the Christian faith as a basis to begin this discussion, and look at what visitors would like as (and if) we move forward.

In the United States there is a growing number of individuals (between 20-29% dependent on if agnostic or atheist is combined in the total) who don’t align with any organized religion, and when responding to surveys, religious affiliation questions, select none of the above (the last choice) are referred to as the “nones.”
I would like to explore the evidence within history and science and look at scripture for clues to gain a deeper understanding for those who still feel called to learn more, teach their children, and be an engaged part within Christianity.
In the Old Testament, the word for soul is ‘nepes’, while the New Testament uses the word ‘psyche’. As we explore the depths of this fascinating concept together, I invite you to remain respectful and remember what the two greatest commandments Jesus identified; “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. The second is like it, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself. The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.” 


Tell ME About YOU!

We Are “Multi-Generational

For the first time in history, there are five generations in the workplace. They are:

  • Traditionalists – born 1925 to 1945
  • Baby Boomers – born 1946 to 1964
  • Generation X – born 1965 to 1980
  • Millennials – born 1981 to 2000
  • Generation Z – born 2001 to 2020
  • Generation Alpha – born 2020 the first born entirely in the 21st century

Each generation bring a variety of skillsets and experience that can lead to innovative concepts encompassing solutions for organizations, living arrangements, and family structures. Realtors now face the challenge of finding dwellings that accommodate multiple generations. From business perspectives to families understanding core values, work ethic, communication preferences, feedback preferences, as well as stereotypes provides useful insight moving forward.


Defining a Good Life

When we look at findings to develop a comprehensive view in the fundamentals of living a good life a big part of thriving involves accepting yourself as you are. Imperfect but responsible and capable to do better, working towards goals, and getting along with others.

Transformation can be considered “tough work” to accomplish since it allows awareness in the current state of three elements that include:

  • physical or body; where we need to determine our personal “self-destructive” behaviors before we can specifically identify where and how to disengage.
  • emotional and/or soul; do we experience “emotional poverty”
  • cognitive or mind; what are the mind-body interactions

As adults the categories outlined above are sectioned out within the membership level Consumer and Caregiver  or discussed on our Blog page as well on our social media (LinkedIn) or (FB).

For Youth and Teens, we are developing a mirandaj.club page, in memory of a beautiful, caring soul, who lost her life battling covid in 2022. Her dedication both as a SPED teacher, and as a volunteer in multiple youth development programs, will “carry on” in her memory beginning in 2023.

Become committed to “intentional living,” with goals you are looking to achieve, that help you “shine” as examples for others to follow.

To be aware of an action, from any point in time, does not define WHO you are, it is just the beginning of the realization of where you can focus on the facts to improve or begin your journey.


Ready to Chart Your Course?

How to become responsible and accountable in a world of unknowns.