Telehealth & Providing Personalized Care
Concepts for Telehealth - Technology Requirements. Here is what you need to know - 4 Basic Requirements you should discuss Choose your software. The first step is to select a secure and trusted platform Know your hardware and what you...
Thyroid Awareness
Did you know women are eight times more likely to suffer from thyroid disorder? This butterfly shaped gland can cause a "butterfly effect" that can impact several functions within the body. The American Thyroid Association offers a wealth...
Traumatic Brain Injuries (CTE)
Contact sports come with injuries. Football often focused on physical conditions and rehab, but recent attention is now on cases related to Traumatic Brain Injury . We live in a nation obsessed with this contact sport where a concussion...
CMS needs Primary Care practices to enroll
The CMS Innovation Center has a growing portfolio testing various payment and service delivery models that aim to achieve better care for patients, better health for our communities, and lower costs through improvement for our health care...
Intentional Living Philosophies
How and what we believe at a given point in our life changes as we grow and evolve. As we age, we find experiences tend to shape a new consciousness, sometimes for the betterment of our well-being, other times not so much. At a given...
Change Your Thoughts!
Are you ready to retrain your brain? Buckle up buttercup is what I told myself when I was about 25 years old. The twists and turns in the first quarter century on the planet was something I never imagined. As I learned to explore the...