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Aging and Evolution

The Role of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has been a cornerstone of the U.S. healthcare system since 1965, when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Social Security Amendments into law. Originally known as the Health Care Finance Administration (HCFA), it was renamed CMS in 2001 under the 43rd president.

CMS oversees compliance with Medicare health and safety standards for various healthcare providers, including laboratories, hospitals, nursing homes, home health agencies (HHAs), end-stage renal disease (ESRD) facilities, hospices, and other facilities serving Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries. Currently, CMS provides health coverage to more than 100 million people through Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and the Health Insurance Marketplace.

Understanding the demographics and coverage needs of the population is crucial. The U.S. Census provides insights into current numbers and highlights how immigration has increased our population compared to other countries. How we care for ourselves directly impacts the type of care we will need as we age, as well as how wellness services can or will be delivered. The type of healthcare insurance coverage, referred to “payor mix” in the U.S. and providers are paid using a “relative value unit” or RVU assigned by CMS.

Here is a sample of how we educate people, from clinicians, families, and individuals looking to understand care in the United States as it relates to payor mix, types of coverage, and the financial health along with the Quality of Care.

As we migrate to self-accountability, let’s look at the facts according to an international group of researchers, that combines the process of aging, before we are born, to the circumstances we find ourselves in.

Dynamics determine growth, such as nutrition and genetics in the womb, which become amazing internal systems. While external “determinants” in all interactions continues to develop and expand the soul throughout a lifetime, basic components, such as understanding communication styles and how they play a large role in our development of successful relationships throughout our lifetime. Let’s explore the process of aging.

As one enters the teen years, a roadmap of possibilities for the future presents itself. Choices, consequences, and mindsets cause different outcomes. Aging does not stop, and “social determinants of health” (SDOH) play an important role in defining outcomes.

Purposeful Concepts LLC refer to these SDOH circumstances as a starting point to identify an area you want to improve. Only you can do the work or dedicate the time totake the steps towards your goals. What would be beneficial or necessary to explore. Let’s look at the twelve areas below.

Twelve Determinants of Health encompass the factors in the message above.

While we may not recall the exact day a change occurred, we do remember the moments that resonated deeply with us. Was it the encouragement from a trusted mentor when social status seemed insurmountable? Or perhaps a “bad choice” that eventually led to a great story? Factors like income, education, and social support networks can create barriers to success. Once you identify a specific challenge you want to overcome, learn more about, or navigate, there are abundant resources available in our age of technology. Most would agree that food is essential for all life, so let’s use that as a model.

Just as culinary experts discuss ingredients and substitutions in their recipes, PCLLC offers the concept of “Recipes” for living. These “Recipes” are tailored to fit your specific goals. Goals should be developed on a personal basis, as you can’t force change on someone else. By examining what defines your circumstances and understanding where your knowledge gaps lie, you can determine your plan.

Within individual life experiences are “hidden rules of class” which, once identified, can provide a new mindset. For example, a hidden rule might be the understanding that in some social classes, networking and building relationships are crucial for career advancement, while in others, individual achievements and qualifications are more highly valued. Recognizing these hidden rules can help you develop the skills needed to overcome barriers. Achieving success changes how we view ourselves and provides the confidence to embrace the next steps.

Where do you fit?

As  we enter the stages of adulthood, life offers opportunities for change, growth, and experiences which shape our needs and help us develop new relationships and intentions.  As we transition from Early Adult (ages 16-24) to Formation of a Life Structure (ages 24-28), Settling Down (ages 29-34), to Becoming One’s Own (ages 35-40), then Midlife Transition (early 40’s) to Restabilization, into Late Adulthood (age 45 and on) we are offered many opportunities to discern not only what truly defines us, but who we strive to be. It never matters when you begin, as long as you start the process. Life long learning has many advantages. If we embrace change as a positive step forward, it pushes us to become a more evolved person. You learn to not view change as adversity, but as an opportunity to improve yourself and try new things (or try and again). Keep in mind, change is inevitable, normal, and necessary. Claim what you are in control of, focus on resilience and ask for help. Rework your goals. if necessary and make them manageable.  SMART goals help in career, education, home, and personal development. Many people correlate success with happiness!

Studies on happiness suggest a person’s genetic makeup and environment affect his or her wellbeing. Research from one study used six factors:

  1. Their self-acceptance
  2. Feelings of autonomy
  3. Personal growth
  4. Positive relationships
  5. Pursuit of goals
  6. Sense of control over their lives

These factors suggest that a genetic contribution plays a role, but happiness is the sum of different genetic factors. There is not just one genetic pathway that determines happiness, and there is not just one personal characteristic that defines happiness. Instead, true psychological well-being is composed of several parts, which are influenced by different aspects of our biology.

Looking at the 12 Determinants – where to start – what is Your Focus area?

Happiness is a combination of factors rooted in psychological well-being, fundamentals of living a good life, accepting yourself as who you are, as well as considering how sustainable change is achieved. Although evidence reveals happy people gain tangible benefits in many different life domains from their positive state of mind, happiness may be integral to mental and physical health. Healthcare providers ask a series of questions when you check-in for an appointment to classify patients and identify social determinants of health (SDOH) needs that you may not disclose. This can lead to an appointment for other healthcare or wellness services. Embracing concepts social determinants of health offer evidence in greater self-control, self-regulatory and coping abilities, a bolstered immune system, and greater cooperation in multiple areas. The concept of psychological improvement from either an individual or group setting benefits those willing to explore and dig deeper. When we look at judgement from a psychological definition, we begin to understand that our impressions of other people seem to focus on morality, sociability, and competence. As humans, we make judgements all the time. This article speaks to the difference on Making Judgements and Being Judgmental. Discretionary judgement is fascinating. Although the capacity for discretionary judgement is only potentially present at birth, its development, although genetically programmed, is molded by experience, educational opportunities, and family and social influences. Theoretically, it is always in process and inevitably limited. Defects of a psychological, social, or spiritual nature may interfere and arrest its developmental process. If the developmental process is arrested, the level of development achieved may be disproportionate to the level necessary for the exchange of valid consent.

Consent is a powerful notion to explore as it is found in social contracts that date back throughout time. Justice is defined in a multitude of ways, and varies by individual perspectives. Why, as adults, we believe in something specific is cause for personal reflection. Discovering why we consent, in the manner we do, to the multitude of options in our ordinary life is best realized through introspection. Purposeful Concepts terms this, “Who’s YOU?” Rather than jumping to a conclusion of who we think we are, let’s consider there are “Three You’s”:

  1. the You that you think you are
  2. the You others think you are
  3. and the You, possibly unrealized, of who you really are…

It doesn’t matter when we begin to discover the “Who’s YOU”, any age is appropriate. Self-exploration is merely a visualization of what your “ideal self” might look like. When you try new things, evaluate your current skills, and identify what you “value” about yourself, be sure to ask questions, learn something new and keep a journal to use in both contemplation and measurement of outcomes.

What is your goal? Is it a closer alignment and understanding within self-awareness? Or the courage to face and act on changes in a behavior or habit? It’s up to you where to start!

Are you a Leader? Leadership begins with the power of one. Leading yourself in discovery of responsibilities and accountabilities that assist you, provide new avenues through the concepts we offer that bring you peace and joy in your journey ahead.


Life Coaching and Mentoring – Meaningful for ALL Ages!

We can have a variety of answers when we ask ourselves, or others “what do you want out of life?”  The journey is unique to each individual or team. Due to the complexity within the journey of life we are faced with many paths, choices, and situations. The choice that takes a split second to make can have a consequence that lasts a lifetime. The affect can be much larger than just on the one individual who made that decision, or a “ripple effect.”  Often decisions change how we view ourselves or others or rob us of confidence. There are ways to move past the barriers, especially those we create in our minds, to move forward and develop in ways we might have never imagined. 

Life coaching is making the decision to make the time and invest in yourself. To live your best life is to constantly improve in small ways. It can be as simple as looking to those people you admire, if they are in you circle, invite them to coffee or lunch and share what you admire about them. Ask them how they developed that attribute or acquired a skill. Perhaps they would agree to mentor and guide you, ask them! 

How many times have you heard someone say, “whatever” or “it doesn’t matter” within a thought they express? In working with teens, it is a common response I hear. As we emerge into face-to-face encounters, we have an opportunity to implement life skills that have been overlooked. Instead of “doing things the same as we always have” now is the opportunity to embrace small steps to a achieve better outcomes. Be it a community garden, volunteering with youth in academics, sports, or community groups we each have “one life” to use to make a difference.

When we understand it is the small things that truly make a difference and improve our overall health and that within our workplace and community.  Combined with enthusiasm, our small actions can evoke big changes.  Not only are you worth it, the benefits spill into our daily interactions and create positive relationships, improving lives of others! 

A simple goal could include selection of an attribute, quality, or characteristic we want to develop. In business, we understand relationships are most important. Look in your community for associations and support to help you discover options and/or alternatives that help you to find your path to ‘feeling better” along with increased confidence and joy. 

When you begin to achieve optimum wellness, you experience increased energy leading to more desirable outcomes and better state of mind. Changing the state of mind is amazing! This life changing transformational concept allows the soul to define greater meaning in the actions one takes. Let us help you find an area you want to improve. Learn More

Tell ME About YOU!

Executive Coaching

Are you interested in exploring methods to develop new skills, strategies, and partnerships? A wise friend used to say, “Culture can eat strategy for lunch!” Oftentimes we observe patterns or behaviors in the workplace or executive leadership where the thought process of “culture” aligns with the outcomes we often measure. One concept of where to start is in simply asking the following: 

  • What is the challenge I/we would like to overcome?
  • What are the perceived barriers?
  • Why are those barriers present?
  • Who owns them (do I/we have the authority to overcome the barrier I/we am trying to solve?)
  • Where do I start? (Do not be concerned with this answer, we’re on your team -that’s our Purpose!)

We Are “Multi-Generational

For the first time in history, there are five generations in the workplace. They are:

  • Traditionalists – born 1925 to 1945
  • Baby Boomers – born 1946 to 1964
  • Generation X – born 1965 to 1980
  • Millennials – born 1981 to 2000
  • Generation Z – born 2001 to 2020
  • Generation Alpha – born 2020 the first born entirely in the 21st century

Each generation bring a variety of skillsets and experience that can lead to innovative concepts encompassing solutions for organizations, living arrangements, and family structures. Realtors now face the challenge of finding dwellings that accommodate multiple generations. From business perspectives to families understanding core values, work ethic, communication preferences, feedback preferences, as well as stereotypes provides useful insight moving forward.


Defining a Good Life

When we look at findings to develop a comprehensive view in the fundamentals of living a good life a big part of thriving involves accepting yourself as you are. Imperfect but responsible and capable to do better, working towards goals, and getting along with others.

Transformation can be considered “tough work” to accomplish since it allows awareness in the current state of three elements that include:

  • physical or body; where we need to determine our personal “self-destructive” behaviors before we can specifically identify where and how to disengage.
  • emotional and/or soul; do we experience “emotional poverty”
  • cognitive or mind; what are the mind-body interactions

As adults the categories outlined above are sectioned out within the membership level Consumer and Caregiver  or discussed on our Blog page as well on our social media (LinkedIn) or (FB).

For Youth and Teens, we are developing a mirandaj.club page, in memory of a beautiful, caring soul, who lost her life battling covid in 2022. Her dedication both as a SPED teacher, and as a volunteer in multiple youth development programs, will “carry on” in her memory beginning in 2023.

Become committed to “intentional living,” with goals you are looking to achieve, that help you “shine” as examples for others to follow. 

To be aware of an action, from any point in time, does not define WHO you are, it is just the beginning of the realization of where you can focus on the facts to improve or begin your journey.
